Tulip Hill Wedding Blog

I Just Got Engaged… What’s Next?
The following four decisions should be made to kick off your wedding planning process.
What Might a Wedding Look Like Since COVID-19
We all hope that life will return to normal soon, but for now the coronavirus has changed the way we live, including how couples celebrate their nuptials. Recently, couples have been marrying with only a few, if any, guests present, but the wedding industry hopes that...
Will Micro Weddings Be the Trend in a Coronavirus World?
We all watched as everything shut down within days of the first positive tests of the coronavirus. First groups of more than 1000, then 500, followed by 50, 10 and finally everyone was asked to stay at home and practice “social distancing”. What has this done to...
The Wedding Invitation
You have your wedding invitations in hand and are excited to get them in the mail. But when is the correct time to mail your invitations? Luckily for you there is a standard timeline, which eliminates the guesswork. You do not want to mail them too soon for fear your...
So What is in the Emergency Bag???
I am asked over and over again what I carry in my emergency bag. First of all, it is not one bag, but four!
Tips on Giving a Wedding Toast
Most wedding receptions include time for toasts. Here are quick tips for that!
Weddings and the Guest Experience
Today’s weddings are all about the guest experience. Your wedding is probably the biggest party you…
The First Look – Pros and Cons
Tradition dictates that the groom is not to see the bride before the wedding ceremony. This tradition is based on a time when…